Which of the pictured product designs is the best? Use our eye tracking analytic tool in a few steps. In the following example, you have three different products in one photo.
Create a new experiment, name it e.g. "My products". Activate the experiment and share your experiment link.
When the experiment link is opened by tester, the calibration is performed and an images are displayed. A webcam is used to capture what the testers are interested in. No video is recorded. The entire test takes only a minute (depending on the duration setting of the experiments). Tester can optionally enter personal information at the end of test (name, sex, age and note for you).
All individual results are available in administration of your experiments immediately. You can analyze it in heatmap or lightmap. Results can be exported to PNG image.
Create a new study. Name it e.g. "Product comparison".
Click the "+AOI" button in the "My products" experiments table:
Set the interest areas in the experiment image.
The best area of interest is Product #1.
Start eye tracking experiment now